Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.
一组对象以定义良好但是复杂的方式进行通信, 之间产生的相互依赖关系结构混乱且难以理解, 一个对象引用其他很多对象, 并且直接与这些对象通信, 导致难以复用该对象。
public interface IColleague {
void Execute();
public interface IMediator {
void Book();
void View();
void Search();
void RegisterView(ViewButton viewButton);
void RegisterSearch(SearchButton searchButton);
void RegisterBook(BookButton bookButton);
void RegisterDisplay(DisplayLabel displayLabel);
class Mediator : IMediator {
private ViewButton _viewButton;
private SearchButton _searchButton;
private BookButton _bookButton;
private DisplayLabel _displayLabel;
public void Book() {
this._bookButton.IsEnabled = false;
this._viewButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._searchButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._displayLabel.Content = "Booking ...";
public void View() {
this._bookButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._viewButton.IsEnabled = false;
this._searchButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._displayLabel.Content = "Viewing ...";
public void Search() {
this._bookButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._viewButton.IsEnabled = true;
this._searchButton.IsEnabled = false;
this._displayLabel.Content = "Searching ...";
public void RegisterView(ViewButton viewButton) {
this._viewButton = viewButton;
public void RegisterSearch(SearchButton searchButton) {
this._searchButton = searchButton;
public void RegisterBook(BookButton bookButton) {
this._bookButton = bookButton;
public void RegisterDisplay(DisplayLabel displayLabel) {
this._displayLabel = displayLabel;
public class BookButton : Button, IColleague {
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public BookButton(IMediator mediator) {
this.Content = "Book";
this._mediator = mediator;
public void Execute() {
public class SearchButton : Button, IColleague {
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public SearchButton(IMediator mediator) {
this.Content = "Search";
this._mediator = mediator;
public void Execute() {
public class ViewButton : Button, IColleague {
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public ViewButton(IMediator mediator) {
this.Content = "View";
this._mediator = mediator;
public void Execute() {
public class DisplayLabel : Label {
private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public DisplayLabel(IMediator mediator) {
this.Content = "Starting ...";
this.FontSize = 24;
//this.FontWeight = new FontWeight();
this._mediator = mediator;
class MediatorDemo : Window {
private readonly IMediator _mediator = new Mediator();
public MediatorDemo() {
var rootView = new Grid();
rootView.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
rootView.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
rootView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
rootView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
rootView.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
var viewButton = new ViewButton(this._mediator);
viewButton.Click += this.OnViewClick;
Grid.SetColumn(viewButton, 0);
Grid.SetRow(viewButton, 0);
var bookButton = new BookButton(this._mediator);
bookButton.Click += this.OnViewClick;
Grid.SetColumn(bookButton, 1);
Grid.SetRow(bookButton, 0);
var searchButton = new SearchButton(this._mediator);
searchButton.Click += this.OnViewClick;
Grid.SetColumn(searchButton, 2);
Grid.SetRow(searchButton, 0);
var displayLabel = new DisplayLabel(this._mediator);
Grid.SetColumn(displayLabel, 0);
Grid.SetRow(displayLabel, 1);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(displayLabel, 3);
this.Content = rootView;
this.Width = 400;
this.Height = 200;
this.Title = "Mediator Demo";
private void OnViewClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) {
var colleague = (IColleague)sender;
static void Main(string[] args) {
var app = new Application();
app.Startup += AppOnStartup;
private static void AppOnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs startupEventArgs) {
Application.Current.MainWindow = new MediatorDemo();
中介者模式也是最为常见的设计模式之一, 不管是 WinForm, WebForm 还是 WPF , 均可以考虑采用中介者模式。